2020 Virtual Conference on Global Learning
FIU faculty will share their experience and expertise of embedding Global Learning (GL) skills in a hands-on virtual session on “Multi-disciplinary approaches to empower students as Global Health Stakeholders”. The session offers an interactive virtual learning environment where attendees can develop skills to apply theory of GL Objectives on global awareness, global perspective, and global engagement into practice. This session is a skill building session during Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) 2020 Conference (October 8 -10, 2020) on Global Learning: Lessons on Global Learning from Higher Education’s Response to a Global Crisis, to embed Global Learning (GL) in courses and curriculum. This 75-minutes Online session is led by the following FIU faculty:- Alok Deoraj, PhD. Associate Teaching Professor, Environmental Health Sciences, Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work. Podcast on Introducing Global Health in GL Initiative.
- Hilary Landorf, PhD. Executive Director, Office of Global Learning Initiatives, Associate Professor, International & Intercultural Education. Podcast on Global Learning Initiative .
- Wendy Guess, PhD. Marketing Faculty, Florida International University
- Uma Swamy, PhD. Teaching Professor and General Chemistry Coordinator