Welcome to the Faculty & Staff Resources Portal for the Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work. This is your one-stop shop for digital resources and links to important employee information. Explore the sections below and reach out to the people listed under “Contact Information” in each section should you have any questions.

The Stempel College 2024 Operations Manual, which is updated annually, has detailed information about each section below. For the latest updates to resources, refer to this portal.

Academic affairs

The Office of Academic Affairs oversees the academic enterprise of Stempel College’s schools and departments.

Contact Information
For questions, contact Dr. Mark Macgowan, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, AHC 5-513; tel: 305-348-0427;  macgowan@fiu.edu. Please CC Maggie Romaguera, Senior Administrative Assistant; tel: 305-348-7158;  maromagu@fiu.edu.


Departmental administrative staff assist with the day-to-day operations at Stempel College. What follows are back up protocol guidelines for admin staff, as well as a contact information template: 

For questions and assistance, contact Miladys Martinez Palacios, Special Assistant, tel: 305-348-5344; milmarti@fiu.edu.


The Office of Internal Audit annually audits the college's financial and operational controls. To better support faculty and staff with operations, please reference the below resources.

Travel & Other Expenses

Departmental Credit Cards

Emergency Procedures & Response Protocols

Stempel College follows FIU emergency policies and procedures.  Department of Emergency Management (DEM) is available to assist and ensure we are prepared to handle all emergencies, including inclement weather and other disasters.

 “Kognito: At Risk” course

All faculty and staff must complete the “Kognito: At-Risk” course to identify and support students in distress. This request has been made by Florida’s Board of Governors to collectively improve our ability to work with and support students in crisis by directing them appropriately to available resources. The Kognito course is available through fiu.edu. Type “Kognito-At-Risk” into the search bar of the site to find the course.


Event Protocol and Management

To provide the standard operating procedures for event management at FIU, the Event Protocol Book should be used as a guide to produce any event being hosted by the university.

Submit an event to the FIU calendar

Submit events to populate in FIU's calendar. This is an excellent opportunity to promote your events to the FIU/Stempel College community. To submit an event, please do the following:  

  • Go to this page (log in using your FIU login information): https://calendar.fiu.edu/
  • Fill out the information on the form
  • Please make sure that under the "Department" field, you select "Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work." *I will not be able to approve this if you select any other department*
  • Submit the event for approval
  • Send an email to srendon@fiu.edu to alert about submission and for approval


Stempel College’s Finance Office provides leadership in the administration of financial operations of the college.

Contact Information
For questions and assistance, contact Maryann Camps Gato, Director of Budget; tel:305-348-6243; gatom@fiu.edu and Miriam Ludwig, Finance Manager; tel: 305-348-7784; mludwig@fiu.edu

Types of funding sources

  • Auxiliaries (Extramural)
    • Comes from:  services or goods sold in exchange for a fee
      • Collaborative agreements (i.e. professional consultation, certificate programs, etc.)
      • Continuing education (i.e. licensure, workshops, etc.) credits given to participants
    • Uses are:
      • more flexible since purchases are broader and may include food and beverage,  IF disclosed  AND in support of the service or production.
    • Not for: personal use, gain, comfort & convenience
    • Expires: no expiration

    For more information, visit FIU Auxiliary & Enterprise Development.

  • Concession
    • Comes from: allocation from Provost Office from university vending machines
    • Uses are: authorized expenditures approved by VP and may be used for food, snacks, refreshments, etc.
    • Not for:
      • refreshments consumed only at coffee breaks
      • gifts to employees not part of formal recognition program approved by VP
      • alcoholic beverages
      • holiday cards/gifts
      • equipment for personal use
      • memberships
    • Expires: yearly on June 30, however subject to fiscal year-end deadline dates
  • E&G (Educational & General/Departmental)
    • Comes from: the State of Florida; linked to college’s student enrollment growth
    • Uses are:
      • general office supplies (copy paper, printer toners / hard-/software, etc.)
      • permanent & temporary (adjunct, extra state compensation, PhD assistantships) salaries
      • monthly lease of copier & usage, monthly telephone billing
    • Not for: food, beverages and anything for personal use, gain, comfort & convenience
    • Expires: yearly on June 30, however subject to fiscal year-end deadline dates
  • Faculty Start-Up
    • Comes from: funding varies
    • Uses are: to assist faculty in developing a strong capacity for research
    • Not for: personal use, gain, comfort & convenience
    • Expires: duration varies
  • Foundation (Donations/Charitable Gifts)

    FIU Foundation is a separate business entity from FIU and recognized as a tax-exempt charitable organization in the State of Florida and under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (c)(3).  It is the fundraising arm of the university.  Gifts to the foundation, for the benefit of the university and its programs, are fully tax-deductible as a charitable contribution.

    • Comes from: private donors
    • Are: CHARITABLE GIFTS received in cash for:
      • Temporarily Restricted (i.e. scholarships, professorships, building, research, etc.)
      • Unrestricted support designated to a program, department, college, etc. (NEVER A PERSON)
      • Permanently Restricted (i.e. endowments); never used. Part of the interest earned is available to spend in accordance with the donor’s intent.
    • Uses are: varied but must meet 3 tests:
      • Aligns with the donors’ explicit or implicit intent
      • AND complies with the foundation’s policies
      • AND complies with university’s policies
    • Not for: personal use, gain, convenience & comfort
    • Cannot exceed available balance.
    • Expires: no expiration, unless donor-imposed
    • Click here for foundation forms, dashboard, tax certificates, etc.
  • Research Salary Savings (Research Salary Recovery)
    • Comes from E&G savings from a tenured/tenure-earning faculty member charging salary effort to externally funded grants
    • Part of  Faculty Research Incentive Program (FRIP) managed by the FIU Office of Economic & Development (ORED)
    • Use for – must meet 2 tests:
      • Allowable purchase  per FIU-E&G policies
      • AND  be in  support, or in advancement, of  research
    • May be paid as a bonus, taken as an account, or a combination of both
    • Not for:  Food, beverages and anything for personal use, comfort & convenience
    • Expires: yearly on June 30,  however subject to fiscal year-end deadline dates
  • Key finance resources

Human Resources

Stempel College’s Human Resources (HR) team is located in the Office of the Dean and serves as an extension of FIU’s Division of Human Resources. It facilitates the delivery of human resource activities such as, but not limited to, overseeing the hires of permanent positions (faculty, administrative, and staff), adjuncts and temporary hires, time reporting, the visa process, the compliance of University policies and procedures, and other HR-related issues within the college.

Contact Information
For questions, contact Joyce Rivers Breivogel, Human Resources Manager, AHC 5-520; tel: 305-348-7802; jjrivers@fiu.edu.

Physical Key/FIU One Card

Physical Key Access

All new hires must create and submit a request for a physical key by visiting FIU Facilities.

FIU One Card Access

Faculty/Staff must have a valid Panther ID number in order to receive an FIU One Card. To obtain a card:

  • The Faculty/Staff will go to the FIU One Card Office at their respective campus. MMC: PG-1 100; BBC: WUC 143.
  • The Faculty/Staff is not responsible for payment for their first FIU One Card.
  • The Faculty/Staff must present a valid government-issued photo ID.
  • *Duplicate/replacement fee is $15.00 payable by cash, check or credit card at the MMC One Card Office or at the BBC Cashier’s Office.

New hires should connect with their unit’s Office Manager to obtain FIU One Card access to ACH-5 areas.

One Card Access Forms (For Office Coordinators)

Global Engagement

As part of FIU’s mission to focus on collaborative engagement with global communities, Stempel College is committed to extending and solidifying its international base. Stempel College’s international goals are guided by the critical problems of our time and align with the University’s Next Horizon 2025 Strategic Plan and FIU Global’s Strategic Plan. Therefore, the college encourages faculty, staff, and students to collaborate with international partners to address critical public health issues that lead to positive change and help attain FIU’s global vision.

Global engagement can include but is not limited to:

  • International travel
  • Research initiatives
  • Speaking and teaching engagements
  • Student and faculty exchange
  • Events with international participants either in-person or virtually

Learn more on how FIU can assist

  • How to Get Started

    Contact the SPI team for guidance on international activity, to share any planned or recent international activity, to initiate an international event, to coordinate with other Stempel initiatives, and to move towards a formal agreement.

    Please review the international regulations that all FIU employees are required to follow when engaging with other countries by going to the FIU Export Control website.

    Agreements between Stempel College and a foreign institution or with a domestic institution with the goal of international collaboration are channeled through and processed by SPI with the Academic Health Center’s legal department.

  • FIU Office of Export Controls

    FIU recognizes the importance of complying with all U.S. federal export control regulations and is committed to full compliance with these regulations. FIU’s export compliance program is led by the Office of University Compliance and Integrity. Within this office, FIU’s Export Control function is responsible for facilitating our export compliance procedures across all academic, research, operational, and business activities.

    Beyond facilitating compliance, the office is committed to supporting FIU’s global mission. They can help meet your international engagement needs, whether it’s help with shipping a package or assistance in negotiating a contract.

    Learn more about the FIU Office of Export Controls

  • Procedure for Initiating International Agreements
    The procedure for processing a Stempel College international agreement is a structured process and faculty and staff are advised to begin several weeks in advance to ensure applicable deadlines are met. Procedure for Stempel College international agreements

    SPI does not process the following agreements:

    • Procurement agreements with foreign vendors: These are handled by the academic department using FIU’s Procurement and TCM procedures.
    • Research sub-contracts: These are processed directly with the college’s research team located in the Office of the Dean. For more information about research sub-contracts, contact the research team at rsresearch@fiu.edu.
    • Research-only international projects: These are assessed by SPI and then forwarded to the Director of Research Administration team to process.
    • Agreements with US partners containing no international activity: These are handled by the academic department.
  • Internal Reporting Procedures

    Reporting International Activity

    • Any potential or new international contact is to be reported to the Special Projects and International Initiatives team as required by FIU Compliance for export control purposes
    • International activity (research, events, faculty exchange, international travel, services, etc.) should be reported to the Special Projects and International Initiatives team, which in turn reports any activity to college leadership and FIU units as requested or required.
    • International gifts of payment or in-kind given to FIU are to be reported to the Special Projects and International Initiatives team as required by FIU Compliance and FIU General Counsel.
    • Any honoraria/gifts/payment given directly to an FIU employee must be reported by the employee using the Gift Reporting Form or Outside Activity/Conflict of Interest Form, both found on the FIU Compliance website.
  • International Travel

    All travel is arranged by the academic departments. Please review the latest international travel and screening protocol (Updated: July 5, 2022)

Marketing & Communications

Stempel College’s Communications Office, located in the Office of the Dean, oversees editorial, social media, paid and earned media, e-mail marketing, and advertising. It is also responsible for brand management, ensuring the college’s branding and messaging is consistent across all print and digital collateral (e.g., website, brochures, photos, videos, etc.) The office works with OSAA to raise the college’s visibility and promote its activities to stakeholders. It also liaises with FIU’s Division of Strategic Communications to ensure consistency in messaging and to support collaboration on design, editorial, digital communications, and media relations efforts.

Contact Information
For questions, contact Stephanie Rendon, Senior Account Manager; tel: 305-347-4670; srendon@fiu.edu.

Stempel College Marketing & Communications Request Form
Have a marketing and communications request? Please use the Marketing & Communications Request Form to submit your request and get your project started with the Stempel College Marketing & Communications team. 

Stempel College’s Digital Platforms


The Stempel College Research Unit is a team dedicated to supporting the endeavors of research faculty from early conceptualization of a project, through the pre-award process to its management and subsequent closeout. The unit serves as a one-stop center for all researchers who are seeking assistance with the management of sponsored research projects. Its goal is to serve as a liaison between the college and the Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) to enhance the process associated with research activities, promote research conduct, and ensure that all activities are compliant with the most current local, state, and federal regulations.

For more detailed information on research administration, please visit ORED’s website. There you can access resources on research development, proposal preparation, award management, research compliance, innovation & economic development, and more.

Contact Information
For questions, contact the research team at rsresearch@fiu.edu.

IT Resources & Support

Access the most requested technology-related information here, including conference room booking instructions, virtual collaboration tools, and more.

Contact Information
For questions or concerns, contact Angel Ruiz, IT Project Manager; tel: 305-348-7787; ruiza@fiu.edu and Nicholas Andreani, IT Assistant; tel: 305-348-7787; nandrean@fiu.edu.

Conference Room Reservations

Contact your Office Coordinator to reserve a conference room. Office Coordinators can access the conference room calendars below.

Virtual Collaboration

Resources for video conferencing (Zoom), sharing files (OneDrive) or communicating with colleagues (Teams) can be found here.