Public Health
The School of Public Health is accredited through July 1, 2027 by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). The school received its initial CEPH accreditation in 1993 and was re-accredited in June 2020 in a report demonstrating compliance across all CEPH criteria.
See the 2020 accreditation report from CEPH (PDF)
For questions about CEPH accreditation and to obtain copies of the final CEPH self-study, please contact Dr. Mark Macgowan, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, at or 305-348-0427.
CEPH is an independent agency recognized by the United States Department of Education to accredit schools of public health and public health programs offered in settings other than schools of public health. CEPH’s accreditation procedures require a rigorous self-evaluation—a process that engages stakeholders from across the college and external constituencies, including faculty, staff, students, alumni, collaborators and community partners.
Why it matters
Stempel College is one of more than 60 accredited schools of public health in the country; we have met accepted national standards for education that provides the knowledge and skills needed to support population health.

Dietetics and Nutrition
The Dietetics & Nutrition programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. For more information about ACEND accreditation, please contact Evelyn Enrione at
What is ACEND?
The ACEND is recognized by the United States Department of Education as the accrediting agency for education programs that prepare dietetics professionals through the evaluation and accreditation of approximately 600 undergraduate and graduate didactic, dietetic technician and supervised practice programs. ACEND is also a member of the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors and abides by its code of good practice.
Why it matters
ACEND serves and protects students and the public by assuring the quality and continued improvement of nutrition and dietetics education programs.

Social Work
The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredits the School of Social Work’s programs. For more information about CSWE accreditation, please contact Dr. Mary Helen Hayden, director of the School of Social Work, at
What is CSWE?
The CSWE is the national association representing social work education in the U.S. Its members include over 750 accredited baccalaureate and master’s degree social work programs, as well as individual social work educators, practitioners, and agencies dedicated to advancing quality social work education. CSWE’s Commission on Accreditation (COA) is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) as the sole accrediting agency for social work education in the U.S. and its territories.
Why it matters
CSWE’s COA is responsible for developing accreditation standards that define competent preparation and ensuring that social work programs meet these standards. In accordance with the requirements of CSWE’s recognition body, the CHEA, the CSWE Office of Social Work Accreditation administers a multistep accreditation process that involves program self-studies, site visits, and COA reviews.