Message from the Dean

On behalf of the faculty, students and staff, I welcome you to the FIU Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work. At FIU Stempel College, our students get firsthand, real-world experience as they work alongside researchers who positively impact communities.

When I first visited Stempel College and met the faculty, students, and staff, I was delighted about the possibilities. As I have often said, FIU Stempel College was a diamond in the rough, and if cut at the right angles, it would shine. AND SHINE IT HAS! From the teaching and research that our faculty and students achieve, we have more than quadrupled our research budget. We have also developed an impactful curriculum that has elevated our college to greater heights. 

This leads me to our students. Our students are second to none, with a high success rate in graduation and employment. All of these achievements would not have been possible without the support of our dedicated and hard-working staff. They are the energy that keeps our engines humming.  

FIU Stempel College has also grown in programs and student enrollment. With the excellent work of our Office of Student and Alumni Affairs, advisors, and central recruiting staff, our student enrollment has grown quite significantly. 

I have never felt more gratified than when I say that I am a member of our Stempel family and our larger FIU community. 


Tomás R. Guilarte, PhD
Dean, Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work
Florida International University
Miami, Florida