Rankings & Facts
Located in Miami, Florida, the Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work at Florida International University offers degrees and programs in Public Health, Social Work, Dietetics & Nutrition, and Disaster Preparedness.

Our Impact
Stempel College is rising in research, student success, and more.
Stempel College Rankings
- #9Best program in Emergency Management (US News & World Report, 2023)
- #11Best Online MPH program (PublicHealth.org, 2024)
- #15Best Dietetics Major among public universities (US News & World Report, 2024)
- #35Public school of public health (US News & World Report, 2023)
- #69Public school of social work (US News & World Report, 2023)
FIU Rankings
- Top 10in undergraduate teaching among public universities (US News & World Report)
- Top 15in innovation among public universities (US News & World Report)

According to the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research, our college ranks No. 15 among public health schools in the country with NIH funding.
$25.4 million award actions in FY 23-24.
Our students by the numbers
of bachelor's or master's graduates were employed or continuing their education within one year of graduation
of Ph.D. graduates were employed within one year of graduation
Our alumni
Stempel College graduates span the globe, contributing their skills and knowledge to help serve the greater good.
- College alumni9,600 alumni across:
- 49
U.S. States
- 30
- 6
U.S. territories