International Experiences

Stempel College Procedure for International Student Experiences

International experiences offer opportunities for enrichment and supplement student learning and future success. At Stempel College, students may have opportunities to conduct research or participate in other educational opportunities abroad. They may find these opportunities through FIU's Office of Education Abroad (OEA), through their programs or faculty, etc.

It is important that students follow university procedures for these experiences and that the college track participation in these opportunities. Students who apply to participate in international opportunities will need to do the following:

  • Inform the Office of Student & Alumni Affairs (OSAA) and Special Projects & Initiatives, both at Stempel College, of the opportunity: student name, student Panther ID, program name, program location, travel dates, contact information while abroad.
  • Work with the Office of Education Abroad (OEA) to register the experience abroad and arrange for international insurance coverage.
  • Update OSAA and Special Projects & Initiatives about your experience upon your return.

Contacts at Stempel College

If students, faculty, or staff have any questions about what is required, they should contact Susy Gómez, Assistant Dean for Student & Alumni Affairs.