Diana M. Sheehan, PhD, MPH

Diana M. Sheehan, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology

Email: dsheehan@fiu.edu


Current research focus?
My research focuses on identifying gaps in HIV care and treatment outcomes among Latinos. My work approaches health disparities from multiple levels, including examining determinants of health at the individual, neighborhood, and healthcare system levels.

Exciting ongoing project(s)?
I am currently leading an NIH-funded study that examines daily barriers to HIV medication adherence among gay and bisexual Latino men. We are using ecological momentary assessments (EMA), or brief daily surveys, to measure medication adherence, alcohol and drug use, stress, mood, anxiety and other factors in an effort to understand whether they impact participants’ willingness or ability to take their medication. The information will help us design a Just-In-Time Adaptive Intervention (JITAI) that can help people with HIV adhere to their medication in real-time through a tailored and individualized approach. I also use large county and statewide surveillance datasets to assess population-level disparities in HIV prevention and treatment.

Relevant past or current dissertations you have chaired?

  1. “Examining the effects of neighborhood factors and geography on racial/ethnic disparities on achieving sustained HIV viral suppression”
  2. “Racial/ethnic, age and sex differences in HIV transmission risk potential among persons living with HIV”

Proud moment from one of your mentees?
One of my PhD students was awarded an F31 NIH predoctoral grant on her first try! Looking forward to mentoring future students in grant writing and submission.

Advice for PhD applicants?
Get to know our ongoing research, research expertise, and meet with us before you apply! This will help you better understand if our program is right for you and help you develop a more competitive application.