Deborah M. Abel
Dietetics and Nutrition
Office: AHC5-322
Phone: 305-348-7832
Email: deabel@fiu.edu
Pediatric Nutrition
Dr. Deborah Abel, PhD, RD, LDN, director, graduate certificate in pediatric nutrition and clinical assistant professor in the Department of Dietetics & Nutrition, has more than 14 years of experience developing pediatric nutrition online courses. Students from across the globe are enrolled in courses in the program.
The vision of the online FIU Stempel Pediatric Nutrition Graduate Certificate Program (the only one of its kind) is to create a National Center of Excellence in pediatric nutrition with an e-learning community of practice, where dietitians, nutritionists and other health care professionals are empowered to integrate nutrition into health care for pregnant and lactating women, infants, children and adolescents. She also has an extensive management background in foodservice and community programs.
Dr. Abel has received the following prestigious awards: Dr. Karyl Rickard Leadership in Pediatric Nutrition Award 2016, Inter-professional Leadership Learning Collaborative (ILLC) 2012 and TK Carl Promise Award of Academic Excellence and Professional Promise 2012. She acquired a U.S. patent in a neonatal nutrition assessment system and understands the importance of early nutrition as the foundation for building a healthy life. For Dr. Abel, excellence in teaching pedagogy is essential. She believes in and adheres to the two following quotations: “Our students are our greatest asset,” and “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”
- Indiana University, Ph.D., Pediatric Nutrition Fellowship
- Indiana University of Pennsylvania, BS, MS
Publications & Research
Abel DM. (2012). Actual and Prescribed Energy and Protein Intakes for Very Low Birth Weight Infants: An Observational Study. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (Accession Order No. http://hdl.handle.net/1805/3008)
Patents: US Patent 7,909,763, Neonatal nutrition assessment system, Deborah M. Abel, March 22, 2011. http://www.freepatentsonline.com/7909763.html
“Parenteral nutrition-associated cholestasis in VLBW infants”. In: Adamkin, DH. Nutritional Strategies for the Very Low Birthweight Infant. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press; 2009, Chapter 11.
“Nutritional management of preterm infants with short bowel syndrome”. In: Adamkin, DH. Nutritional Strategies for the Very Low Birthweight Infant. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press; 2009, Chapter 26.