Alejandro Arrieta
Department of Global Health
Office: AHC5 450
Phone: 305-348-7525
Email: alejarri@fiu.edu
Value of Healthcare and Utilization and Quality of Care
Dr. Alejandro Arrieta is a health economist and faculty member in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Florida International University (FIU). Before he joined FIU, he held a faculty appointment at the Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Indianapolis. Dr. Arrieta has been consultant to the Pan American Health Organization and the Inter-American Development Bank on several projects on quality of care, primary care and disaster risk reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Dr. Arrieta has an active research portfolio in health policy and global health, exploring the effect of health care financing and organization on utilization and quality of care. For example, how physician incentives affect the utilization and quality of care, how the organization of hospitals and payers affect the provision of preventable care, or how health reforms have changed the role of the private sector in health systems in Latin America. Dr. Arrieta has a special interest on maternal care quality, its assessment, and how financial and non-financial incentives affect maternal care outcomes.
Dr. Arrieta has also served as principal investigator, co-investigator and consultant in several studies assessing the economic evaluation of healthcare programs. Those studies include financial incentives to change smoking behavior, technological devices to improve self-control of hypertension, care management programs to improve diabetes control, retrofitting projects to improve hospital safety, etc.
He also leads Healthcare Management Americas, an FIU initiative to build capacity and research on quality, risk management and patient safety in Latin America.
- Rutgers University, Ph.D.
- Universidad del Pacifico (Perú), MA
- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, BA
- Arrieta, A., Page, T., Veledar, E. and Nasir, K. (2017) Economic Evaluation of PCSK9 Inhibitors in Reducing Cardiovascular Risk from Health System and Private Payer Perspectives. PloS one 12: e0169761.
- Arrieta, A., Suárez, G., Perez, C., Cárdenas, G., Figueroa, A., et al. (2017). Healthcare Advancement Conference 2016 Survey on Patient Safety Culture in Lima and Callao [in Spanish]. Acta Medica Peruana 33: 344.
- Valero-Elizondo, J., Salami, J., Osondu, C., Ogunmoroti, O., Arrieta, A., et al. (2016). Economic Impact of Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity among those with and without Established Cardiovascular Disease: 2012 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. Journal of the American Heart Association 5: e003614.
- Arrieta, A., and Garcia-Prado, A. (2016) Non-elective C-sections in public hospitals: capacity constraints and doctor incentives. Applied Economics 48: 4719-31.
- Arrieta, A. (2016) Health Insurance and Contributive Principle in the U.S. Social Security System [in Spanish]. Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social 23: 3-30.
- Rivo, J., Page, T., Arrieta, A., Amofah, A., McCann, S., et al. (2016) The impact of comprehensive pre-visit preparation on patient engagement and quality of care in a population of underserved diabetic patients: Evidence from the Care Management Medical Home Center Model. Population Health Management 19: 171-177.
- Gasana, J., Gibson-Young, L., Ibrahimou, B., Weiss-Randall, D., Arrieta, A., et al. (2016) Asthma in Schoolchildren in Monroe County, Florida: School-based Needs Assessment. Journal of Asthma 53: 330-338.
- Arrieta, A., and Guillen, J. (2015) Output Congestion Leads to Compromised Care in Peruvian Public Hospital Neonatal Units. Health Care Management Science: 1-8.
- Altszuler, A., Page, T., Gnagy, E., Coxe, S., Arrieta, A., Molina, B., Pelham, W. (2015) Financial Dependence of Young Adults with Childhood ADHD. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 44: 1217-29.
- Arrieta, A., and Garcia-Prado, A. (2015) Cost Sharing and Hospitalizations for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions. Social Science and Medicine 124: 115-120.
- Arrieta, A. (2014) Over-Utilization of Cesarean Sections and Misclassification Error. Health Service and Outcomes Research Methodology 14: 1-14.
- Arrieta, A., Woods, J.R., Qiao, N., Jay, S. (2014) Cost-benefit analysis of home blood pressure monitoring: An insurance perspective. Hypertension 64: 891-896
- Arrieta, A. (2014) The impact of the Massachusetts health reform on unpaid medical bills. Inquiry 50: 165-176.
- Arrieta, A., and Guillen, J. (2012) Currency Induced Credit Risk in a Dollarized Economy. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 48: 105-114.
- Arrieta, A., Garcia-Prado, A., and Guillen, J. (2011) The Private Health Care Sector and the provision of prenatal care services in Latin America. World Development 39: 615-622.
- Arrieta, A. (2011) Health Reform and Cesarean Sections in the Private Sector: the experience of Peru. Health Policy 99: 124-130.
- Arrieta, A., and Riesco, G. (2009) Risk factors for perinatal mortality in Peruvian social security hospitals: EsSalud’s Perinatal Surveillance System data analysis [in Spanish] Anales de la Facultad de Medicina UNMSM 70:241-246.
- Arrieta, A., and Russell, L. (2008) Effects of Leisure and Non-leisure Physical Activity on Mortality in U.S. Adults over Two Decades. Annals of Epidemiology 18: 889-895.