Susan P. Himburg
Competency identification / evaluation and program evaluation
Dr. Himburg has more than 40 years of experience in dietetic education and evaluation of educational programs and 22 years of experience as Director of the Health Science Recruitment and Retention Program (HSRRP). Her research experience has included competency identification/evaluation and program evaluation. She has presented in three poster sessions and one presentation at annual meetings of the American Dietetic Association (now Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) about disadvantaged student recruitment and retention programs. She was active in the ADA, serving six years on the accreditation board, including its Chair. She served as advisor to students in Dietetics in the target population for twenty years and participated in recruitment activities. Dr. Himburg was honored by Florida International University for Outstanding Service in promoting Affirmative Action (1991). She also received the prestigious Medallion Award from the ADA (’96) for leadership and mentoring of minority students service to the profession.
- University of Miami, Ph.D.
- Emory University, Dietetic Internship
- Emory University, MMSc
- Florida State University, BS
- Babatunde, O., Himburg, S. P. Comparing the RAM Calcium Checklist Method with the 24-Hour Recall for Calcium Assessment in Older Adults. Topics in Clinical Nutrition, 2014:29(1).
- Babatunde O, Himburg S, Newman F, Campa A, Dixon Z. Theory driven intervention improves calcium intake, osteoporosis knowledge, and self-efficacy in community-dwelling black older adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2011:43:434-440.
- Zoumenou Z, Himburg S, Magnus M, Johnson P, Lobar S, Adoueni V. Measure of strength of commitment to successful diabetes self-management among blacks: Reliability and validity. European Journal of Scientific Research. 2009:26(2):176-188.
- Chester D, Himburg S, Weatherspoon L. Spirituality of African American women: correlation to health promoting behaviors. Journal of National Black Nurses Association. 2006;17(1):1-8.
- Himburg S, Anderson B, Rose-St. Prix C, Abdel-Moty A, Lieberman K. Health Science Recruitment and Retention program (HSRRP): Meeting the needs of a culturally diverse South Florida. J Art Teach. 1999;6(1)47-55.
- Fletcher S, Himburg S. Peer advisement: Smoothing the transition from the community college to the university. J Allied Health. 1994;23(2):102-105.
- Fletcher S, Himburg S. Providing access to blacks and Hispanics in dietetics education. J Am Diet Assoc. 1991;91:966-969.
- Weddle D, Himburg S, Collins N, Lewis R. The professional development portfolio process: Setting goals for credentialing. J Am Diet Assoc. 2002;102:1439-1444.
- Mobley C, Himburg S, Robey D, Easton P. Decision-making styles of dietitians. J Am Diet Assoc. 1984;84:1013-1017.
- Himburg S. The interviewing and counseling functions of the dietetic technician in nutritional care: Evaluation of identified competencies. J Am Diet As l981;79:51-56.