Nan Hu
Survival analysis, longitudinal data analysis, meta-analysis, analysis of missing data, statistical methods in medical diagnosis and prognosis, medical research on cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, neurological disorders, and radiology.
Dr. Hu earned his Ph.D in Biostatistics from the University of Washington, School of Public Health in 2010. He was an assistant professor in the Division of Epidemiology at the University of Utah, School of Medicine, and an investigator and biostatistician at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) from 2013 to 2019. Dr. Hu has a broad biostatistics/epidemiology background, with specific training and expertise in the areas of survival analysis, longitudinal analysis, meta-data analysis and analysis of missing data. As the investigator in the Cancer Control and Population Sciences (CCPS) at HCI, I was involved in several clinical trials and cohort studies in breast cancer, myeloma, skin cancer, endometrial cancer and brain cancer. He also developed novel methods in cancer diagnosis and efficacy trials. At HCI, I successfully managed and completed two internal grants as the study PI and study results were published in cancer clinical journals. Dr. Hu implemented new statistical methodologies in biomarker evaluation with longitudinal and survival outcomes. Collaborating with his colleagues, Dr. Hu developed new statistical methods in time-to-event models with time-varying covariates. As an investigator at the statistical coordinating center for Cardiovascular Health Studies from 2006 to 2008, he managed the heart MRI and clinical data of a large follow-up observational study with 6914 participants. Dr. Hu has participated in 20 NIH funded project with a total amount of support over $25,000,000.
Hu lab will conduct collaborative study on cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and radiologic studies, and statistical methodological development.
- University of Washington, Ph.D.
- State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, MS
- Tsinghua University, BA
- China Agricultural University, BS
Publications/Research (selected)
- Zhou XH, Hu N, Hu G, Root M (2009). Synthesis analysis of regression models with a continuous outcome. Stat Med, 28, 1620-1635.
- Sabado RL, O’Brien M, Subedi A, Qin L, Hu N, Taylor E, Dibben O, Stacey A, Fellay J, Shianna KV, Siegal F, Shodell M, Shah K, Larsson M, Lifson J, Nadas A, Marmor M, Hutt R, Margolis D, Garmon D, Markowitz M, Valentine F, Borrow P, Bhardwaj N (2010). Evidence of dysregulation of dendritic cells in primary HIV infection. Blood, 116(19), 3839-52.
- Chen YQ, Hu N, Cheng S, Musoke P, Zhao L (2012). Estimating Regression Parameters in an Extended Proportional Odds Model. J Am Stat Assoc, 107(497), 318-330.
- Abraham S, Hu N, Jensen R (2013). Hypoxia-inducible factor-1-regulated protein expression and oligodendroglioma patient outcome: comparison with established biomarkers and preoperative UCSF low-grade scoring system. J Neurooncol, 108(3), 459-68.
- Hu N (2013). Evaluating the over-time prognostic performance of biomarkers for cancer prognoses using time-dependent receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Translational Medicine, 3(2), 45.
- Marrouche NF, Wilber D, Hindricks G, Jais P, Akoum N, Marchlinski F, Burgon N, Hu N, Mont L, Deneke T, Duytschaever M, Neumann T, Mansour M, Mahnkopf C, Herweg B, Daoud E, Wissner E, Bansmann P, Brachmann J (2014). Association of atrial tissue fibrosis identified by delayed enhancement MRI and atrial fibrillation catheter ablation: the DECAAF study. JAMA, 311(5), 498-506.
- Nicholas Z, Hu N, Ying J, Soisson P, Dodson M, Gaffney DK (2014). Impact of Comorbid Conditions on Survival in Endometrial Cancer. Am J Clin Oncol, 37(2), 131-134.
- Hu N, Zhou X-H (2014). ROC Analysis in Business Decision-making. In John Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia for Business Analytics and Optimization. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA.
- Hu N, Cheng H (2015). Survival Analysis and ROC Analysis in Analyzing Credit Risks. In Jakobcza Dariusz. (Ed.), Analyzing Risk through Probabilistic Modeling in Operations Research. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA.
- Hu N, Richards R and Jensen R (2016). Role of chromosomal 1p/19q co-deletion on the prognosis of oligodendrogliomas: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Interdiscip Neurosurg, 5, 58-63.
- Gawron AJ, Cole G, Hu N, Thompson WK, Fang J, Samore M (2017). Regional variability of repeat esophagogastroduodenoscopy uses in the national Veteran population. Dig Dis Sci, 62(9), 2303-10.
- Hu R, Liu R, Hu N (2017). China’s Belt and Road Initiative from a global health perspective. Lancet Glob Health.
- Hu N, Cheng H, Zhang K, Jensen RL (2017). Evaluating the prognostic accuracy of biomarkers for glioblastoma multiform (GBM) in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) data. Cancer Inform, 16, 1-11.
- Hu N (2017). Using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Analysis to Evaluate Information-Based Decision-Making. In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (4th, 22, pp. 2213-2223). IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA.
- Huang S, Wu L, Panitchob N, Hu N, Ranjan R, Dosdall D (2017). Restitution Characteristics of His Bundle and Working Myocardium in Isolated Rabit Hearts. PLoS ONE, 12(10), e0186880.
- Morgan M, Young E, Harana S, Winkler N, Hu N, Reigert J, Jones T, Stein M (2017). Ditching the Disc: The effect of cloud-based image sharing on efficiency and report turnaround times in mammography. J Am Coll Radiol, 14(12), 1560-1565.
- Herde RF, Kokeny KE, Reddy CB, Akerley WL, Hu N, Boltax JP, Hitchcock YJ (2018). Primary Pulmonary Carcinoid Tumor: A Long-term Single Institution Experience PMID: 26270444. Am J Clin Oncol.
- Yamashita K & Hu N (Co-first authors), Ranjan R, Selzman C, Dosdall D (2018). Clinical Risk Factors for Post-operative Atrial Fibrillation among Patients after Cardiac Surgery. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.