María C. Pinzón-Iregui
Dr. María C. Pinzón-Iregui was a practicing pediatrician in Colombia and Chile. She holds a master’s degree in Public Health with a concentration in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention from FIU. Since joining the Department of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, she has worked on research in the fields of disclosure and transition to adulthood of children with perinatal HIV infection in the Caribbean. She has also conducted research on pediatric asthma in underserved communities in Miami. Since 2020, she has served as coordinator of the Maternal and Child (MCH) Public Health Training Program sponsored by HRSA. She is actively involved with the local MCH community and is part of the Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Project (FIMR) of Miami-Dade.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, M.D.
Florida International University, MPH
Beck-Sague CM, Arrieta A, Pinzon-Iregui MC, Ortiz B, Dean AG, Cuddihy A, Gasana J. (2018). Trends in Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Childhood Asthma in Miami, Florida: 2005-2013. J Immigr Minor Health. Dec;20(6):1429-1437.
Pinzón-Iregui MC, Ibanez G, Beck-Sagué C, Halpern M, Mendoza RM. (2017). "…like because you are a grownup, you do not need help": Experiences of Transition from Pediatric to Adult Care among Youth with Perinatal HIV Infection, Their Caregivers, and Health Care Providers in the Dominican Republic. J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care. Nov/Dec;16(6):579-587.
Beck-Sagué CM, Dévieux JG, Pinzón-Iregui MC, Abreu-Pérez R, Lerebours-Nadal L, Gaston S, Dean AG, Halpern M, Rouzier V, Bertrand R, Rosenberg R, Pape JW, Nicholas SW, Blasini I. (2015). Depression in caregivers of status-naïve pediatric HIV patients participating in a status disclosure study in Haiti and the Dominican Republic: preliminary report. J Trop Pediatr. Feb;61(1):65-8.
Beck-Sagué C, Pinzón-Iregui MC, Abreu-Pérez R, Lerebours-Nadal L, Navarro CM, Ibanez G, Soto S, Halpern M, Nicholas SW, Malow R, Dévieux JG. (2015). Disclosure of their status to youth with human immunodeficiency virus infection in the Dominican Republic: a mixed-methods study. AIDS Behav. Feb;19(2):302-10.
Beck-Sagué CM, Dévieux J, Pinzón-Iregui MC, Lerebours-Nadal L, Abreu-Pérez R, Bertrand R, Rouzier V, Gaston S, Ibanez G, Halpern M, Pape JW, Dorceus P, Preston SM, Dean AG, Nicholas SW, Blasini I. (2015). Disclosure of their HIV status to perinatally infected youth using the adapted Blasini disclosure model in Haiti and the Dominican Republic: preliminary results. AIDS. June;29 Suppl 1(0 1):S91-8
Page TF, Beck-Sague CM, Pinzon-Iregui MC, Cuddihy A, Tyler T, Forno E, Dean AG, Siven J, Pottinger S, Gasana J. (2013). Asthma in underserved schoolchildren in Miami, Florida: results of a school- and community-based needs assessment. J Asthma. 50(5):480-7.
Pinzón-Iregui MC, Beck-Sagué CM, Malow RM. (2013). Disclosure of their HIV status to infected children: a review of the literature. J Trop Pediatr.59(2):84-9.