Stefanie Moore
Coordinator of Statistical Research IV
Office: AHC4-414
Phone: 305-348-7259
Email: stmoore@fiu.edu
Stefanie Moore graduated from Stempel College’s MPH program with a concentration in biostatistics in 2016. She worked as a graduate assistant for the Integrated Biostatistics and Data Management Center during her two years in the program and was hired as biostatistician following her graduation.
- Florida International University, MPH
- University of Central Florida, BS
Elena M. Kaftanovskaya, Mariluz Soula, Courtney Myhr, Brian A. Ho. Stefanie N. Moore, Changwon Yoo, Briana Cervantes, Javier How, Juan Marugan, Irina U. Agoulnik, Alexander I. Agoulnik. (2017). Human Relaxin Receptor Is Fully Functional in Humanized Mice and Is Activated by Small Molecule Agonist ML290. Journal of the Endocrine Society, 1(6): 712-725.