Staci L. Morris
FIU-Community-Based Research Institute (CBRI)
Clinical Supervision and Training, Substance Use
Dr. Staci Morris is the associate director for clinical services and training of FIU-CBRI and is an assistant professor in Florida International University’s (FIU) Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work. She is a licensed clinical psychologist and a qualified supervisor for mental health counseling within the state of Florida. She has served as co-investigator and clinical supervisor on 11 federally funded, randomized clinical trials and five community-based, foundation-funded studies for adolescents with substance use problems and related issues.
Dr. Morris received her undergraduate degree from Rutgers University, where she was a Henry Rutgers Scholar, and her doctoral degree from Nova Southeastern University. She completed her clinical internship at Nova Southeastern University’s Community Mental Health Center and her postdoctoral training at FIU’s Community-Based Intervention Research Group under the supervision of Dr. Eric Wagner.
She has extensive experience in brief motivational interventions with high-risk, multi-cultural, substance-using adolescents from under-represented communities, as well as in human subjects protection, clinical training – especially on community-based randomized controlled trials – and supervision. She was twice awarded an NIH Clinical LRP Award and has published numerous journal articles and book chapters.
- Nova Southeastern University, MS, Psy.D.
- Rutgers University, BA
Morris, S.L., Winters, K., & Wagner, E.F. (in press). Diagnosing an Adolescent Alcohol User Mandated to Community-Based Treatment. In E. Rodolfa & J. Schaffer (Eds.), A casebook and workbook for users of the ICD-10-CM: Psychological and behavioral conditions. APA: Washington, D.C.
Charbonneau-Dahlen, B., Lowe, J., & Morris, S.L. (in press). Giving voice to historical trauma through storytelling: The impact of boarding school experience on American Indians. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma.
Hospital, M.H., Wagner, E.F., Morris, S., Sawant, M.J., Siqueira, L., & Soumah, M. (2015). Developing an SMS Intervention for the Prevention of Underage Drinking: Results from Focus Groups. Substance Use and Misuse.
Sawant, M., Hospital, M.H., Wagner, E.F., Morris, S. & Siqueira, L. (2015). Factors associated with alcohol use among minority female adolescents receiving preventive text messaging for underage drinking. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 10 (2), 10.
Acosta, S.L., Hospital, M.M., Graziano, J.N., Morris, S., & Wagner, E.F. (2015). Pathways to Drinking among Hispanic/Latino Adolescents: Perceived Discrimination, Ethnic Identity, and Peer Affiliations. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse.
Wagner, E.F., Hospital, M., Graziano, J.N., Morris, S.L., & Gil, A. & (2014, May 19). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Guided Self-Change with Minority Adolescents. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
Wagner, E.F., Hospital, M., Morris, S., & Sawant, M. (2014). An RCT of text messaging (SMS) for reducing underage alcohol use among Hispanic adolescents. The Addictions Newsletter, 21, 22-23.
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Sawant, M.J., Wagner, E.F., Hospital, M.M., Morris, S., & Siqueira, L. (2014). Factors associated with alcohol use among Hispanic adolescent females participating in an alcohol-targeted text messaging intervention. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38 (6), June 2014 online supplement.
Hospital, M.M., Wagner, E. F. Morris, S. Siquiera, L & Sawant, M. (2013). Examining the Effectiveness of an Alcohol-Targeted Text Messaging Intervention with Minority Adolescents. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Supplement: 37.
Peleg-Oren, N., Hospital, M. M., Morris, S.L., & Wagner, E. (2013) Mechanisms of Association between Paternal Alcoholism and Abuse of Alcohol and Other Illicit Drugs Among Adolescents. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 22 (2), 133-149.
Hospital, M.M., Graziano, J.N., Morris, S.L. & Wagner, E. F. (2012). Examining the Effectiveness of a School-Based Motivational Interviewing Alcohol Intervention with Minority Adolescents.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Supplement: 36.
Graziano, J.N., Hospital, M.M., Austin, A., Morris, S.L. & Wagner, E. F. (2012). The Association between Discrimination and Alcohol Dependence and Externalizing Behaviors among Minority Teens: The Mediating Role of Alienation. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.Supplement: 36.
Cordaro, M., Tubman, J.G., Wagner, E.F. & Morris, S.L. (2012). Treatment process predictors of program completion or dropout among minority adolescents enrolled in a brief motivational substance abuse intervention. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 21, 51-68.
Wagner, E. F., Hospital, M.M., Graziano, J.N., Morris, S.L., & Gil, A.G. (2011). A Randomized Controlled Trial of School-Based Guided Self-Change with Minority Adolescents. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Supplement: 35.