Vukosava Pekovic
Office: AHC5 485
Phone: 305-348-1823
Email: pekovic@fiu.edu
Health Disparities and Disease Prevention
Dr. Vukosava Pekovic is the MPH program director and clinical Associate professor in the Department of Epidemiology. She directed programs in the Institute of Public Health of Serbia (prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases; health needs and services assessment), and the Miami-Dade County Health Department (childhood lead poisoning prevention and bio-terrorism preparedness programs).
In addition to teaching, she is involved in MPH practicum oversight, accreditation, and advising for the Stempel Public Health Association and epidemiology students. Her research includes adolescent health behavior in Serbia, TB prevention and patient compliance in sub-Saharan Africa, lead poisoning among immigrant children in Miami, FL, disaster planning for older adults and the health needs of elders.