Elena Sebekos
Department of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Email: esebekos@fiu.edu
Health Disparities, HIV/AIDS
Dr. Elena Sebekos is a Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention at Florida International University’s (FIU) Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) with experience in developing, implementing, and evaluating diverse public health projects, questionnaire development, and data collection, management, and analysis. Her research includes strategic communications to prevent HIV infections among Black and Hispanic young adults, risky sexual behavior among diverse college students, and health and academic success of university students.
In addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, Dr. Sebekos helps advise MPH students.
Florida International University, Ph.D., MPH, BS
Rubens, M., Batra, A., Sebekos, E., Tanaka, H., Gabbidon, K., & Darrow, W. (2019). Exploring the determinants of risky sexual behavior among ethnically diverse university students: The student behavioral health survey-web. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. doi: 10.1007/s40615-019-00596-7
Sebekos, E. (2016). Strategic communications to prevent HIV infections among Black and Hispanic young adults (Doctoral dissertation, Florida International University). Available from FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations. (No. 3001)
Weissman, J., Preston, S., Sebekos, E., Latorre, W., Alsaif, B., Krupp, K., & Darrow, W. W. (2016). Associations between health and academic success at a Florida university: An exploratory cross-sectional study. Florida Public Health Review, 13, 91-98.
Darrow, W.W., Silva-Suarez, G., and Sebekos, E. (2011). Proceedings from the 20th World Congress of Sexual Health Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 12–16 2011: Ethics, principles, practices, and issues in public and sexual health: The development, implementation, and evaluation of a masters-level university course. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 283.