Changwon Yoo
Statistical Methods for Big Data Analytics
Dr. Changwon Yoo’s research, teaching, and service activities are shaped by three common aims: examining and developing novel computational and statistical methods, providing useful insights in improving health outcomes of the public in general, and involving a collaborative partnership of university, community agencies and organizations, and residents to achieve the first two aims. The incorporation of these aims into all levels of his scholarship (research, teaching, service) provides cohesiveness to his work, which enables him to be more efficient, effective, and productive.
Dr. Yoo’s research focuses on developing and disseminating innovative statistical methods for Big Data Analytics (BDA). His research draws from statistical machine learning, genomics, and neuroscience and seeks to identify and build statistical methods in big data such as genomics, proteomics, neuroimaging and clinical data. It is highly collaborative because understanding disease mechanisms and coming up with better treatments and prevention in medicine and public health inevitably involve analyzing complex and big data. He is currently a principal investigator in a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to build a novel computational causal model of key genes interactions in brain cancer development.
Dr. Changwon Yoo’s research group, Statistical Machine Learning Group (SMLG), has state of art servers to develop and disseminate innovative statistical methods for BDA. Through SMLG, Dr. Yoo has supported 15 undergraduate and graduate students and is currently supporting two undergraduate, two master’s and four Ph.D. students.
- University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D.
- Harvard University, SM
EM Kaftanovskaya, M Soula, C Myhr, BA Ho, SN Moore, C Yoo, B Cervantes, J How, J Marugan, IU Agoulnik, AI Agoulnik, Human Relaxin Receptor is Fully Functional in Humanized Mice and is Activated by Small Molecule Agonist ML290, Journal of the Endocrine Society, DOI:
https://doi.org/10.1210/js.2017-00112, 2017
MS Choo, SJ Jeong, SY Cho, C Yoo, CW Jeong, JH Ku, SJ Oh, Development of Decision Support Formulas for the Prediction of Bladder Outlet Obstruction and Prostatic Surgery in Patients With Lower Urinary Tract Symptom/Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Part II, External Validation and Usability Testing of a Smartphone App, International neurourology journal 21 (Suppl 1), S66-75
JAM Youngblut, D Brooten, J Glaze, T Promise, C Yoo, Parent Grief 1–13 Months After Death in Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units, Journal of Loss and Trauma 22 (1), 77-96, 2017
Preciados, C. Yoo, D. Roy, Estrogenic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Influencing NRF1 Regulated Gene Networks in the Development of Complex Human Brain Diseases, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17 (12), 2086, 2016
S Choo, C. Yoo, S. Y. Cho, S. J. Jeong, C. W. Jeong, K. S. Kim, J. Paick, and S. Oh. Development of Android Platform BPH Probability Calculator® using Big Data for Prediction of Surgery necessity in Patients with LUTS/BPH and its Validation, Neurourology and Urodynamic, vol. 35, pp. S29-S30, 2016.
M Morgan, A Deoraj, Q Felty, Yoo, D Roy, Association between Exposure to Estrogenic Endocrine Disruptors-Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Phthalates, and Bisphenol A and Gynecologic Cancers-Cervical, Ovarian, Uterine Cancers, J Carciong Mutagen 7 (275), 2, 2016
MJ Míguez, R. Rosenberg, C. Perez, L. Espinoza, Yoo, M. Vargas, The Relationships between Cholesterol, Tobacco and Alcohol Use : A New Opportunity for Intervention among People Living with HIV. Int J AIDS Res. 3(5), 73-81.doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.19070/2379-1586-1600017, 2016
JM Youngblut, D. Brooten, J Glaze, T Promise, Yoo, Parent Grief 1–13 Months after Death in Neonatal/Pediatric Intensive Care Units, Journal of Loss and Trauma, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15325024.2016.1187049, 2016
Roy, M. Morgan, C. Yoo, A. Deoraj, S. Roy, VK Yadav, M. Garoub, H. Assaggaf, M. Doke, Integrated bioinformatics, environmental epidemiologic and genomic approaches to identify environmental and molecular links between endometriosis and breast cancer, International journal of molecular sciences 16(10) p25285-25322, 2015
HK Kim, JY Kwon, Yoo, S. Abdi, The Analgesic Effect of Rolipram, a Phosphodiesterase 4 Inhibitor, on Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathic Pain in Rats, Anesthesia & Analgesia, 121(3) p822–828, 2015
JM Youngblut, D. Brooten, K. Blais, C. Kilgore, Yoo, Health and Functioning in Grandparents After a Young Grandchild’s Death, Journal of Community Health, DOI: 10.1007/s10900-015-0018-0, 2015
Samikkannu, KVK. Rao, AAA Salam, VSR Atluri, EM Kaftanovskaya, M. Agudelo, S. Perez, C. Yoo, A. D. Raymond, H. Ding, M.P.N. Nair. HIV Subtypes B and C gp120 and Methamphetamine Interaction: Dopaminergic System Implicates Differential Neuronal Toxicity, Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/srep11130, 2015
Okoh, N. Garba, R. Penney, J. Das, A. Deoraj, K. Singh, S. Sarkar, Q. Felty, C. Yoo, R. Jackson, D. Roy, Redox Signaling to Nuclear Regulatory Proteins by Reactive Oxygen Species Contributes to Estrogen-Induced Growth of Breast Cancer Cells, British Journal of Cancer, 112 (10), 1687-1702, 2015
Kim, L Ramirez, C. Yoo, MS Choo, JS Paick, SJ Oh, Factors Influencing Nonabsolute Indications for Surgery in Patients With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Suggestive of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Analysis Using Causal Bayesian Networks, International Neurourology Journal, 18(4):198-205. DOI: 10.5213/inj.2014.18.4.198, 12/2014
Luna, S. Bhatia, C. Yoo, Q. Felty, D.I. Sandberg, M. Duchowny, Z. Khatib, I. Miller, J. Ragheb, J. Prasanna, D. Roy, Proteomic and mitochondrial genomic analyses of pediatric brain tumors, Molecular Neurobiology, DOI:10.1007/s12035-014-8930-3, 2014
Kang, M. Kim, MS Choo, J. Bae, JH Ku, C. Yoo, SJ Oh, Association of high bladder neck elevation with urodynamic bladder outlet obstruction in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms/benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urology, DOI:10.1016/j.urology.2014.08.037, 12/2014
Kim, A. Cheeti, C. Yoo, M. Choo, SJ Oh. Non-invasive parameters for the prediction of urodynamic bladder outlet obstruction: analysis using causal Bayesian networks, PLOS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113131, 2014
Jung, S. Cho, C. Yoo, S. Oh, Establishment of the Novel Cystoscopic Classification for bladder Trabeculation of Neurogenic Bladder, Urology; 84(3):515–519. DOI: 10.1016/j.urology.2014.05 .015, 09/2014
Samikkannu, KVK. Rao, H. Ding, M. Agudelo, A. D. Raymond, C. Yoo , M.P.N. Nair. Immunopathogenesis of HIV Infection in Cocaine Users: Role of Archidonic Acid, PLOS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0106348, August, 2014
Agudelo, P. Khatavkar, A. Yndart, C. Yoo, R. Rosenberg, J.G. Dévieux, R.M. Malow, M. Nair, Alcohol Abuse and HIV infection: Role of DRD2, Current HIV research, PMID:25053368, July 2014
Yoo, L. Ramirez, J. Liuzzi, Big data analysis using modern statistical and machine learning methods in medicine, International Neurourology Journal 18 (2), 50-57, 2014
Luna, S. Bhatia, C. Yoo, Q. Felty, D.I. Sandberg, M. Duchowny, Z. Khatib, I. Miller, J. Ragheb, J. Prasanna, D. Roy, Bayesian Network and Mechanistic Hierarchical Structure Modeling of Increased likelihood of Developing Intractable Childhood Epilepsy from the Combined Effect of mtDNA Variants, Oxidative Damage, and Copy Number, Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, p1-15, 2014
P. Liuzzi, L. Guo, C. Yoo, T.S. Stewart, Zinc and autophagy, BioMetals, 1-10, 2014
H. Kim, C. Yoo, M. Choo, J.S. Paick, S.J. Oh, Factors affecting de novo urinary retention after holmium laser enucleation of the prostate. PLOS One, 9(1): e84938. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084938, 2014
Samikkannu, K.V.K. Rao, A.Y. Arias, A. Kalaichezian, V. Sagar, C. Yoo, M.P.N. Nair, HIV infection and drugs of abuse: role of acute phase proteins, Journal of Neuroinflammation, 10:113 doi:10.1186/1742-2094-10-113, 2013
Yoo, E. Brilz, Efficient and Scalable Bayesian Statistical Method for Identifying Causal Relationships from Intervention Studies, Advances and Applications in Statistics, 37(2), p95-122, 2013
Liuzzi, C. Yoo, Role of zinc in the regulation of autophagy during ethanol exposure in human hepatoma cells, Biological trace element research, doi:10.1007/s12011-013-9816-3, 2013
Kunkle, C. Yoo, D. Roy. Reverse Engineering of Modified Genes by Bayesian Network Analysis Defines Molecular Determinants, PLOS One, 8(5): e64140. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064140, 2013
Y. Cho, J.B. Bae, C. Yoo, S.J. Oh. Establishment of a Grading System for Bladder Trabeculation, Urology; 81(3), p503-507, 2013
Yoo, Statistical Methods in Experimentation Recommendation Models for Discovering Gene Regulation Pathways, Wiley WIREs Computational Statistics, 5(2) p121-134, 2013
Kunkle, C. Yoo, D. Roy. Discovering gene-environment interactions in Glioblastoma through a comprehensive data integration bioinformatics method. NeuroToxicology, 35, p1-14 2013
Agudelo, C. Yoo, M.P. Nair, Alcohol-induced serotonergic modulation: The role of histone deacetylases, Alcohol, 46(12), p635-642, 2012
Yoo, Bayesian Method for Causal Discovery of Latent-Variable Models from a Mixture of Experimental and Observational Data, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, p2183-2205, 2012
Yoo, E. Blitz, M. Wilcox, M. Pershouse, E. Putnam. Gene Pathways Discovery in Asbestos-Related Diseases using Local Causal Discovery Algorithm, Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. 41(10), p1840-1859, 2012
Felty, C. Yoo, A. Kennedy, Gene expression profile of endothelial cells exposed to estrogenic environmental compounds: Implications to pulmonary vascular lesions, Life Sciences, 86(25-26), p919-927 2010
Yoo, E. Blitz. Local Causal Discovery Algorithm using Causal Bayesian networks. Annals of the NY Academy of Science, 1158, p93-101, 2009
Yoo, G. Cooper, M. Schmidt. A Control Study to Evaluate a Computer-Based Microarray Experiment Design Recommendation System for Gene-Regulation Pathways Discovery Corresponding. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 39, 126-146, 2006
Yoo, G. Cooper. An Evaluation of a System that Recommends Microarray Experiments to Perform to Discover Gene-Regulation Pathways. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 31,169-182, 2004
Yoo, A. Saxena, K. Krupp, K. Winter, J.D. Klausner, V. Kulkarni, J. Devieux, P. Madhivanan, Using Integrated Logistic Regression and Bayesian Statistical Modeling to analyze Acceptance of Male Circumcision in Pune, MODSIM 2013, Proceeding of 20th International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia, p2023-2028, 2013
Yoo, A. Cheeti, D. Brooten, J. Youngblut, Modified Second Degree Markov Model in Missing Data Analysis in Child and Family Functioning after Pediatric Head Trauma, MODSIM 2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia, p2018-2022, 2013
Yoo, S.J. Oh, Combining Structure Equation Model with Bayesian Networks for predicting with high accuracy of recommending surgery for better survival in Benign prostatic hyperplasia patients, MODSIM 2013, Proceeding of 20th International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, Adelaide, Australia, p2029-2033, 2013
Yoo, M. Wilcox, Evaluation of causal Bayesian network search algorithms using simulated mesotheliomas gene expression data, MODSIM 2011, Proceeding of 19th International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, Perth, Australia, p1042-1048, 2011
Yoo, Q. Felty, Identifying gene-protein interactions in response to environmental estrogenic chemicals using Bayesian networks: its implication in the etiology of pulmonary vascular lesions, MODSIM 2011, Proceeding of 19th International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, Perth, Australia, p1056-1062, 2011
Yoo, C. Yoo, A Statistical model that calculates the life time risk of Alzheimer’s disease using Bayesian Networks, MODSIM 2011, Proceeding of 19th International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, Perth, Australia, p1049-1055, 2011
Gutierrez, C. Yoo, Stroke prediction in a sample of HIV/AIDS patients, MODSIM 2011, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia, 1030-1036, 2011
Kunkle, C. Yoo, Q. Felty, D. Roy, Identifying Gene Alterations Required for the Development of Astrocytoma, MODSIM 2011, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia, 1037-1043, 2011
Yoo, G. Cooper. A Computer-Based Experiment Design Recommendation System for Gene-Regulation Pathways Discovery. Proceedings of AMIA Symposium, p733-737, 2003
Yoo, G. Cooper. Discovery of Yeast Gene-Regulation Pathways using Local Causal Search. Proceedings of AMIA Symposium. p914-918, 2002
Yoo, V. Thorsson, G.F. Cooper. Discovery of causal relationships in a gene-regulation pathway from a mixture of experimental and observational DNA microarray data. Pacific Symposium On Biocomputing. p498-509, 2002
Scheines, G.F. Cooper, C. Yoo, T. Chu. Piecewise Linear Instrumental Variable Estimation of Causal Influence. Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 286-291, 2001
Cooper, C. Yoo. Causal Discovery from a Mixture of Experimental and Observational Data. Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. p116-125, 1999