Stempel College Research Day

Stempel College Research Day is an event that showcases our students’ efforts and engagement in research. The first part of the morning includes oral presentations by doctoral students in dietetics, public health, and social welfare. The second part includes a poster session during which students and post-docs will have an opportunity to present their research to the college and campus community.


  • Oral Presentations Session 2025

    Presenter: Ariana Bolivar, Ph.D. student in Dietetics & Nutrition

    Title: Exploring the Interrelationship of Diet Quality, Eating Behavior, Acculturation and Body Satisfaction in Hispanic Millennial and Gen X Women

    Presenter: Susmita Chowdhury, Ph.D. student in Dietetics & Nutrition

    Title: Association between the Intake of Ultra-processed Snacks and Beverages with Obesity among College Students

    Presenter: Alexandra Briceno, Ph.D. student in Dietetics & Nutrition

    Title: Associations Between Dietary Carotenoids and Anxiety Symptoms in Hispanic/Latine Adults  


    Presenter: Niliarys Sifre, Ph.D. student in Dietetics & Nutrition

    Title: Association between body composition and snack nutrient profile in children participating in the MetA-Bone trial

    Presenter: Kazi Tanvir Hasan, Ph.D. student in Biostatistics

    Title: Adaptive Thresholding in Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression: Improving Sensitivity and Reliability for High-Dimensional Environmental Health Data

    Presenter: Wupeng Yin, Ph.D. student in Biostatistics

    Title: Impact of Physical Activity on Health Behavior Change and Mental Health during the COVID-19 Epidemic among Chinese Adults: China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS)

    Ning Sun, Ph.D. student in Biostatistics

    Title: A Novel Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Air Pollution Exposure Analysis

    Presenter: Sultana Mubarika Rahman Chowdhury, Ph.D. student in Biostatistics

    Title: Comparative Study of Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients in a Multicollinear Gaussian Linear Regression Model: A Simulation-Based Analysis

    Francisco Diaz, Ph.D. student in Biostatistics

    Title: The IMAP Method for Causal Discovery

    Daniel A. Martinez-Perez, Ph.D. student in Environmental Health Science

    Title: Amyloid β-plaque-associated microglia drive TSPO upregulation in Alzheimer's Disease

    Sarah Hardin, Ph.D. student in Environmental Health Sciences

    Title: Effects of early life lead exposure on the cardiovascular system and amyloidosis in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

    Ritishka Kapoor, Ph.D. student in Environmental Health Sciences

    Title: Developmental Pathophysiology of Childhood-Onset Manganese-Induced Dystonia-Parkinsonism in Slc39a14-KO Mice

    Giselle A. Barreto, Ph.D. student in Epidemiology

    Title: Comparison of Premature Cause-Specific Mortality Among People with HIV in Florida pre-(2019) and early (2020) COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Disparities by Race, Gender, Rurality, and Social Vulnerability

    Sreshtha Chowdhury, Ph.D. student in Epidemiology

    Title: Effect of Menthol Flavor on E-Cigarette Users' Puffing Behavior & Toxicants Exposure: A Crossover Clinical Trial among US Young Adults

    Simanta Roy, Ph.D. student in Epidemiology

    Title: The Prolonged Effect of E-cigarette Use on Pulmonary Function: A Within-Subject Controlled Trial

    Natasha Shaukat, Ph.D student in Epidemiology

    Title: Pictorial health warning labels are effective in reducing subjective measures, behavioral responses and toxicant exposure: a crossover study

    Saurya Dhungel, Ph.D. student in Epidemiology

    Title: Excess mortality among people with HIV in Florida during the initial onset of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Sharika Ferdous, Ph.D student in Epidemiology

    Title: The Effect of Pictorial Health Warning Labels Placed on the ENDS Device on Young Adult Smokers' Subjective Experiences: A Crossover Study

    Joe Coleman, Ph.D student in Health Promotion & Disease Prevention

    Title: Exploring Associations Between Immigration Stress and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Recent Latino Immigrants

    Noel Singh-Dias, Ph.D student in Health Promotion & Disease Prevention

    Title: Minority Stress Measurements Validated with the Sexual & Gender Minority Population: A Systematic Review

  • Poster Presentations Session 2025

    Presenter: Gabriela Proaño Caicedo

    Title: Evaluating the Impact of Front-of-Pack Labeling on Nutrition and Health in Peru: A Scoping Review

    Additional Authors: Mitsuo Teruya, Lorena Saavedra-Garcia, Mayra Meza-Hernández, Cristina Palacios


    Presenter: Sabrina Linden

    Title: Association Between Body Composition and Cognitive Function in Hispanic/Latine Mid-Life Adults at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease 

    Additional Authors: Burke S.L., Gonzales S., Garcia K., Grudzien A., Briceno A., Tyndall A., Cambara C., Jimenez D.R., Dinh S, Gonzales A., Martinez S.S. 

    Ayodele Tyndall

    Title: The Relationship between Diet Quality and Blood Pressure in Midlife Hispanic/Latine Adults at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease.

    Additional Authors: Burke S.L., Gonzales S., Garcia-Toledo K., Briceno A., Cambara-Rincon C., Grudzien A., Jimenez D.R., Linden S., Dinh S, Gonzales A., Martinez S.S

    Stephanie Gieseken

    Title: Liver Enzymes, Oxidative Stress, and Depressive Symptoms among PLWH: A Focus on the Administration of Psychiatric Medication in a Longitudinal Study.

    Additional Authors: Nan Hu, Gladys E. Ibañez, Vijaya Narayanan, Haley R. Fonseca, Marianna K. Baum

    Gilda Stanco

    Title: The effects of the Baby-Act Trial on infant's diet

    Additional Authors: Campos Maribel, Alvarez Elvira, Kallis Maria Gabriela, Valle Y, Pomeroy J, and Palacios C

    Shawn Dinh

    Title: Association between physical activity and anxiety among Hispanic/Latines at risk for Alzheimer's disease 

    Additional Authors: Samantha Gonzales, Dr. Shanna Burke, Kevin Garcia-Toledo, Adrienne Grudzien, Celine Cambara, Daniel Jimenez, Andres Valbuena, Ayodele Tyndall, Sabrina Linden and Dr. Sabinra Sales Martinez

    Alayne Gatto

    Title: Recruitment of Participants in the Baby-Feed Online Trial: A Web-Application for Caregivers to Improve and Monitor Diet and Growth in the First Year of Life

    Additional Authors: Gabriella Reingevurts, Mariana Leon, Sophia Acosta, Cristina Palacios

    Ivan Pachon

    Title: Unveiling Racial Disparities in Mechanical Circulatory Support Outcomes: A Machine Learning Approach to Fairness in Healthcare

    Additional Authors: Yanjia Zhang, V Ramamoorthy, Muni Rubens, Anshul Saxena, Javier Jimenez, Sandra Chaparro

    Samantha Gonzales

    Title: Neural transcription factors identified driving brain organoid maturation

    Additional Authors: Xiaohan Liu, Sicong Xie, Jingwei Gu, Moo-Yeal Lee, Xuexia Wang

    Md Ariful Hoque

    Title: On Some Test Statistics for Testing the Regression Coefficients for the Two Parameter Multicollinear Regression Models: Simulation and Applications

    Additional Authors: Zoran Bursac, and B. M. Golam Kibria.

    Nusrat Yasmin

    Title: Performances of Some Improved Estimators and their robust version under outliers: Simulation and Application

    Additional Authors: Dr. Zoran Bursac, Dr. B.M. Golam Kibria

    Rabeya Illyas Noon

    Title: The Association between Physical Activity and Frailty: China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS)

    Additional Authors: Nan Hu, Ph.D.

    Freeman Lewis

    Title: Metabolomic and Lipidomic Analysis of Manganese-Associated Parkinsonism: A Case-Control Study in Brescia, Italy

    Additional Authors: Daniel Shoieb, Somaiyeh Azmoun, Elena Colicino, Yan Jin, Jinhua Chi, Haiwei Gu, Donatella Placidi, Alessandro Padovani, Andrea Pilotto, Fulvio Pepe, Marinella Turla, Patrizia Crippa, Xuexia Wang, Roberto G Lucchini

    Yishu Dong

    Title: Mettl3-mediated m6A RNA methylation is a driver of particulate matter-mediated cellular glycolysis

    Additional Authors: Anlin Feng, Ying Liang, Jamie Soto, Stephen M. Black, Ting Wang

    : Alexander Rodichkin, PhD

    Title: Neurodegeneration of Purkinje Cells in the Pathophysiology of Dystonia-Parkinsonism in Slc39a14-knockout mice.

    Additional Authors: Amanda M Brown, Pavani Devabathini, Si Chen, Karam Abilmouna, Sarah E. Hardin, Daniel D. Pontow, Ritishka Kapoor, Jennifer L. McGlothan, Yulia Pushkar, Roy V. Sillitoe, Tomás R. Guilarte

    Jennifer Chavez

    Title: Syndemic Correlates of Non-Fatal GHB Overdose in a US National Sample of Sexual and Gender Minority People 

    Additional Authors: Yan Guo, PhD, Michaela E. Larson, MPH, Drew A. Westmoreland, PhD, MPH, Alexa B. D'Angelo, PhD, MPH, Alexander Tsai, MD, PhD, Tyler S. Bartholomew, PhD, Denis Nash, PhD, MPH, Christian Grov, PhD, Adam W. Carrico, PhD

    Nicole Blum

    Title: Enhanced Nlrp3 Inflammasome Response in Primary Microglia from Humanized APOE Targeted Replacement Mice

    Additional Authors: Nicole Blum, Isha Mhatre Winters, Chunki Kim, Kim Tieu, and Jason R. Richardson

    Ruth Marquez

    Title: Understanding the Neurodegenerative Pathway: PTSD, Alzheimer's, and Health Disparities in 9/11 Responders

    Additional Authors: N. Borisenko, F. Lewis, S. Azmoun, R. G. Lucchini, M. Macgowan, and R. E. de la Hoz

    Sharika Marjan

    Title: Using Bayesian Networks to assess the influence of mixed metal exposure on accelerated aging and cancer risk

    Additional Authors: Alok Deoraj, Changwon Yoo, Samantha Gonzales, Quentin Felty

    Said Salehe

    Title: Drp1 Inhibition Attenuates Toxin-Induced Lipid Droplet Accumulation and Inflammation in Microglia

    Additional Authors: R. Z. Fan, H. J. Brown, Y. Lai1, H. Gu, and K. Tieu

    Presenter: Harry Brown

    Title: Intranasally administered exosomes containing α-synuclein induce behavioural deficits and brain pathology in vivo but are protected by heterozygous Drp1 knockout

    Additional Authors: Rebbeca Z Fan, Kim Tieu 

    Presenter: Andres Rivera Cruz

    Title: Comparative analysis of Chlamydia infection incidence rates across Florida counties from pre-, mid-, and post-pandemic years.

    Additional Authors: Karinna Vila, Kevin Garcia-Toledo, Jani Falconer, and Nan Hu, MS, PhD.

    Tarana Ferdous

    Title: Effect of Full Nicotine Reduction on e-cigarette Users' Puffing behavior and Nicotine exposure: A Crossover Clinical Trial among US Young Adults

    Additional Authors: Tarana Ferdous, Sreshtha Chowdhury, Simanta Roy, Natasha Shaukat, Sharika Ferdous, Ximeng Zhao, Katherine Pita, Wasim Maziak

    Ekpereka Nawfal

    Title: HIV-related stigma dimensions, Antiretroviral therapy adherence and the mediating role of Anxiety

    Additional Authors: Diana M. Sheehan, Gladys Ibañez, Aaliyah Gray, Mary Jo Trepka

    Michaela Larson

    Title: The Impact of HIV and Cannabis Use on Peripheral Biomarkers of Inflammation and Cognitive Function

    Additional Authors: Alfonso Romero-Sandoval, Sheri L. Towe, Hallie B. Wolfe, Adam W. Carrico, Christina S. Meade

    Gequasha Collins

    Title: Subjective Social Status and Perceived Stress among Recent Latino/a Immigrants: The Moderating Effect of Social Support 

    Additional Authors: Weize Wang, Eduardo Romano, Mariana Sanchez 

    Michelle Robinson

    Title: Addressing Cardiovascular Health Disparities

    Additional Authors: N/A

    Juan Sebastian Castillo Perez

    Title: It Takes a Village: Neighborhood Collective Efficacy, Cultural Values, and Family Conflict Among Latino Fathers and Sons in Miami-Dade

    Additional Authors: Patria Rojas, Weize Wang, Eduardo De La Vega Taboada, Mariana Sanchez, Gira Ravelo, Jose F. Colon-Burgos, Mario De La Rosa,Victoria Behar-Zusmane

    Gemma Galvez

    Title: Exploring Demographics and Sociocultural Factors associated with Health Literacy among Hispanic/Latino Adults: Findings from the All of Us Research Program

    Additional Authors: Mariana Sanchez, Gabriel Odom, Stefanee Tillman

    Osmari Novoa

    Title: Exploring the mechanisms between Tai chi/Qigong and Depression Among Older People with HIV: A proposed biobehavioral model  

    Additional Authors: Osmari Beatriz Novoa, Fahima Shammi, Deidre Okeke, Kayla Mendez, Dawn Gardier, and Gladys E. Ibañez


    Presenter: Versha Rai Reejhwani

    Title: Lost Memories, Lasting Impact: How Trauma-Related Memory Loss Moderates the Effects of ACEs on Adult Mental Health

    Additional Authors: Lisa Panisch, Nicole M. Fava


    Presenter: Derrick Amoah

    Title: The Role of Machismo and Familial Conflict on the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Anxiety Symptoms among Latino Immigrant men

    Additional Authors: Yajaira A. Cabrera Tineo, PhD, Mariana Sanchez, PhD, & Mario De La Rosa, PhD


    Presenter: Elizabeth Garcia

    Title: Latino Cultural Values and Alcohol Use Among Adolescents in Miami-Dade County: A Cross-Sectional Study

    Additional Authors: Patria Rojas, Mariana Sanchez, Miguel Cano, Weize Wang, Gira Ravelo, Daisy Ramirez


    Presenter: Stephanie L. Scott

    Title: Tracing the Evolution of Pain Research: A Focus on Hispanic/Latine Americans

    Additional Authors: Scott, S. L., Burke, S. L., Wagner, E., and Grudzien, A.


    Presenter: Kayla Jolly

    Title: Risk Factors Associated with the Perpetration Emotional Abuse by Parents and Caregivers

    Additional Authors: Nicole M. Fava, PhD, MSW 


    Presenter: Amy Torres Metcalfe, LCSW

    Title: Understanding Delays in Cochlear Implantation for Minority Populations: Barriers, Differences, and Possible Interventions

    Additional Authors: Shanna Burke, PhD, MPH


Meet the 2025 Research Day Winners


Morning Session

1st Place

Simanta Roy
The Prolonged Effect of E-cigarette Use on Pulmonary Function: A Within-Subject Controlled Trial
Ph.D. student in Epidemiology
School of Public Health
Major Professor: Dr. Wasim Maziak  

2nd Place (tie)

Daniel A. Martinez-Perez
Amyloid β-plaque-associated microglia drive TSPO upregulation in Alzheimer's Disease
Ph.D. student in Environmental Health Sciences
School of Public Health
Major Professor: Dr. Tomás R. Guilarte

2nd Place (tie)

Alexandra Briceño
Associations Between Dietary Carotenoids and Anxiety Symptoms in Hispanic/Latine Adults
Ph.D. student in Nutrition
Department of Dietetics & Nutrition
Major Professor: Dr. Sabrina Sales Martinez

Afternoon Session

1st Place

Sarah Hardin
Effects of early life lead exposure on the cardiovascular system and amyloidosis in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Ph.D. student in Environmental Health Sciences
School of Public Health
Major Professor: Dr. Tomás R. Guilarte 

2nd Place

Natasha Shaukat
Pictorial health warning labels are effective in reducing subjective measures, behavioral responses and toxicant exposure: a crossover study
Ph.D. student in Epidemiology
School of Public Health
Major Professor: Dr. Wasim Maziak

3rd Place

Sharika Ferdous
The Effect of Pictorial Health Warning Labels Placed on the ENDS Device on Young Adult Smokers' Subjective Experiences: A Crossover Study
Ph.D. Student in Epidemiology
School of Public Health 
Major Professor: Dr. Wasim Maziak