The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF, in official relations with the World Health Organization) has selected Dr. Rajiv Chowdhury, chair of global health at the Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work, to serve as the global representative on the Expert Panel for the Continuous Update Project.
This initiative focuses on uncovering how diet, nutrition, and physical activity impact four areas of work: cancer incidence, cancer survivors, cancer mechanisms and obesity. Dr. Chowdhury will serve on this high-profile panel for the next three years and will attend Continuous Update Project’s annual meetings in London.
“WCRF is a major funder for worldwide cancer research programs. To serve on their Expert Panel is an honor and will allow me to contribute to the WCRF’s highly regarded annual global cancer reports and potentially shape the global cancer prevention guidelines. This involvement also helps to put FIU representation in a global cancer prevention platform,” Dr. Chowdhury added.
Dr. Chowdhury was selected for his extensive experience investigating how environmental, societal, and biological factors may influence global non-communicable disease risks. He joins a distinguished panel tasked to review global research to help better understand cancer risk factors and strengthen cancer prevention recommendations for the scientific community, the public, and policymakers.