Celebrating the winners of Stempel College Research Day 2025

On Friday, March 7, 2025, more than 55 students presented their research at our annual Stempel College Research Day, showcasing their outstanding work across public health, dietetics and nutrition, and social work. This year, six students won the oral presentation competition, including two who tied for 2nd place.

“It’s not easy communicating research in a way that is understandable to a diverse audience of judges, but these students did it and I am so proud of them for it,” said Tomás R. Guilarte, dean of Stempel College. “This event truly showcased the immense talent we have here at our college. My congratulations goes out to the winners, their major professors, and everyone who participated in this year's event.”

Stempel College Research Day is a full-day event hosted by the Office of Student & Alumni Affairs. The day is split into oral and poster presentations with each session allowing attendees the opportunity to ask questions to the students. Judges, who are also Stempel College faculty, rate the students using criteria that includes methodology, integration of the literature review, and the presentation itself.

Now, onto the winners!

Morning Session Winners        

1st Place

Simanta Roy

The Prolonged Effect of E-cigarette Use on Pulmonary Function: A Within-Subject Controlled Trial
Ph.D. student in Epidemiology
School of Public Health
Major Professor: Dr. Wasim Maziak

2nd Place (tie)

Daniel A. Martinez-Perez
Amyloid β-plaque-associated microglia drive TSPO upregulation in Alzheimer's Disease
Ph.D. student in Environmental Health Sciences
School of Public Health
Major Professor: Dr. Tomás R. Guilarte

2nd Place (tie)

Alexandra Briceño

Associations Between Dietary Carotenoids and Anxiety Symptoms in Hispanic/Latine Adults
Ph.D. student in Nutrition
Department of Dietetics & Nutrition
Major Professor: Dr. Sabrina Sales Martinez

Afternoon Session Winners  

   1st Place

Sarah Hardin
Effects of early life lead exposure on the cardiovascular system and amyloidosis in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Ph.D. student in Environmental Health Sciences
School of Public Health
Major Professor: Dr. Tomás R. Guilarte 

2nd Place

Natasha Shaukat
 Pictorial health warning labels are effective in reducing subjective measures, behavioral responses and toxicant exposure: a crossover study
Ph.D. student in Epidemiology
School of Public Health
Major Professor: Dr. Wasim Maziak 

3rd Place

Sharika Ferdous
The Effect of Pictorial Health Warning Labels Placed on the ENDS Device on Young Adult Smokers' Subjective Experiences: A Crossover Study
Ph.D. Student in Epidemiology
School of Public Health 
Major Professor: Dr. Wasim Maziak