The MPH with a concentration in Maternal and Child Health (MCH) prepares students to address health issues related to women, children and families in the US and around the world. Our coursework focuses on public health skills development (program design and evaluation, advocacy, policy, epidemiology) and MCH content (women’s reproductive health, infant and child health, adolescent health, social disparities, family systems) and gives students the flexibility to select courses tailored to their own interests within MCH.
Our program is part of a network of nine MCH Public Health Catalyst Programs across the country that are funded by the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) to improve health MCH outcomes by training future and current MCH practitioners.
If you are interested in a Graduate Certificate in MCH, rather than the MPH degree, please visit our Graduate Certificate in MCH page.
Program Leadership
María C. Pinzón-Iregui
Research Specialist I
mpinzoni@fiu.eduRashida Biggs
Clinical Assistant Professor, MCH Program Director

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